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Title Great AHA!
Posted by alopez95 (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2016-11-15 16:38:34
  • Recommend 96 Recommend
  • Views 1336

After being curious about AHA since reading about it, I took the plunge and what better product to try than the famous COSRX one. I do use BHA already, not COSRX, so why not try AHA.

The product is almost like water, clear and very runny. A lot of users have reported a fish like smell but I never noticed it when it was in my palm, only until it was applied on my face would I smell it and even then it was sporadic. If you experience any fish smell it does pass fast so you won't have to worry about smelling like a fish for the night. I did experience a slight tingle feeling when I applied the product on my face for the first time but after that I didn't. It does sting like hell if you apply this and you have any open wounds or any small scratches so be careful to any acne-prone users out there.

My skin after using this product feels so amazing; clean, silky, smooth, soft. I look forward to waking up after applying this the night before because I know my skin will feel and look great! After using this the first time, I was waiting before applying the rest of my products and the sebaceous filaments in my nose were like being pushed out; it was very gross but also very satisfying to see.

Chemical exfoliation is a great step to add in any routine and COSRX makes it really easy and affordable to get into. Keep in mind that if you do buy this, ease it slowly into your routine because you don't want to over exfoliate your skin. Also make sure you are using sunscreen during the day!

Attachment rsz_20161113_184624.png , rsz_20161113_184657.png
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