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ProducT Forum Details
Title Decent manual exfoliant
Posted by sabsar8274 (ip:)
  • Rate 3points  
  • Date 2016-03-31 04:01:11
  • Recommend 65 Recommend
  • Views 1036

After reading all the hype around this, I guess I expected something quite spectacular. It's an okay sugar scrub, but I haven't noticed anything so far that any other facial sugar scrub already does. It has a distinct citrusy smell (which I'm not a huge fan of... smells a bit like dishwashing soap which is unsettling), and a faint brown colour that stays until you wash it off. The scrub does also say in the instructions that you have to leave it on your face to "set" like a mask for around 10-15 minutes, but I haven't noticed a difference in the condition of my skin when I leave it on or wash it off almost immediately after. If you're not careful with washing it off very thoroughly, some of the brown residue can be left on the edges of your face and neck, which can be a bit annoying. Also, the tub contents are very small, as you can see in the photo - there's a huge gap at the top and bottom of the tub, making it seem like there's a lot more. However, it does last quite long as it's only meant for use around once a week. Also, in the second photo, I've sacrificed a bit of the scrub with my fingers to show how difficult it is to get out of the tub without a spatula! The product doesn't really stick onto your hands very well so it's a bit of a hassle to rub it on your face before it falls off and into the sink. I would have much preferred some kind of scoop to be included in with the tub. I probably will not be repurchasing this and will be looking for an alternative sugar scrub once I've used up this one.

Attachment tumblr_o4v6u6QECP1ryv99po5_400.png , tumblr_o4v6u6QECP1ryv99po4_400.png
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