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Title CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
Posted by jolse (ip:
  • Rate 0points  
  • Date 2015-06-23 16:44:52
  • Recommend Recommend
  • Views 7770


REVIEW on CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink.

Peripera is product of Club CLIO. So I included CLIO in the title :)

Let's review Ink Tint, which is inheriting popularity of Peripera Water Tint.
Ink Tint was desired by many people from the moment of launching.

I was so curious why it is so popular...
and it doesn't look different from any other products.

Anyway, I have to try before judging, right?

Let's try right away :D



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Peripera's mascot sister on the box.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Shape of ink.
Looks so cute *_*



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


I always wanted to touch that spoid-thingy cap.
It is not rubber.. It's plastic.. Hard...



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Brush doesn't seem to be different from other tint tips.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Peri's Ink It Lips.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


It's purple pink color.
Very intense pink.
It might look excessive when fully colored.
I prefer gradation.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Peri's Ink Get The Eye.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


According to explanation, it's a pop pink color.
But it rather is a pink with deep red.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Peri's Ink No Way!



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


No Way! color has color of grapefruit.
In my opinion, it has the most natural color among five.
It is not excessive and natural. I like this color the most <3



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Peri's Ink Oh My!



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Oh My! is vivid orange color.
Similar to Water Tint Mandarin.
It will look good when layered with other lip products.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Peri's Ink No Spoiler.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Intense red color.
More beautiful when fully colored :)



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Tested on back of hand.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


From top left, #01, #02
From bottom left, #03, #04, #05.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


#01 It Lips.
Gradation on left, Full color on right.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


Roughly wiped with tissue,
still stays.



CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW
CLIO Peripera Peri's Ink REVIEW


#02 Get The Eye.


I don't have picture with gradation since I couldn't gradate after #01.
It didn't come off..
It lasts so long that I couldn't take any other picture unless I used remover.

So I couldn't take pictures of other colors. (So sorry..T_T)


Strong sustainability is a good thing..
But seems somewhat odd as it stays until tomorrow..T_T


It is a really good item if you are looking for long lasting product.
However, it is bit excessive for me..


Testing on back of hand didn't come off even after 3days.
So I rubbed hard to remove it and my hand just got red...


I should have brought remover..(regretting.)


Sustainability and Color. Catched 2 birds.
It stays where it is applied. No stains.



Peripera Peri's Ink 8ml

Peripera Peri's Ink 8ml

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