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ProducT Forum Details
Title Really good if you know how to use it
Posted by papermoon (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-05-23 03:11:34
  • Recommend 114 Recommend
  • Views 1665

It's actually a really good foundation/BB cream, but its' thick consistency (and some dry looking swatches out there) made me doubt about buying the full size, even if I liked the sample. It absolutely CAN look really thick, dry and lifeless... but only if you apply big amounts all at once. My skin is combination (with oily T zone) with the rest of my face being quite prone to dehydration or dryness, I guess. If I apply it like the directions suggest, using the amount the included tip provides, it can look terrible. But since I'd already tried a sample of this, I found a way to make it look beautiful, and it's really simple - just use a veeery small amount and work with smaller areas of your face, don't go all over and then blend. I usually just dot a tiny amount a few times onto my face, starting with the middle of my face, and then tap and blend with my fingers (brushes or beauty blenders also work well) and it makes my skin look absolutely flawless and beautiful. It looks matte, but not that kind of cakey, powdery matte, but with the slight glow to it, especially if you don't powder. It wears off very nicely and is long lasting. Probably wouldn't recommend for very dry skin types though, unless your skin care can make up for the potential dryness if this product.

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