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Title Has done amazing things to my skin
Posted by kstueland (ip:)
  • Rate 5points  
  • Date 2016-08-03 01:53:57
  • Recommend 97 Recommend
  • Views 1178

Despite its name, it has not done very much to my blackheads. Perhaps I was setting unrealistic standards to this product? I was imagining it would diminish my blackheads entirely, and after 4+ months it hasn't. Although it has made them much smaller/less noticeable, so I'm not going to dwell too much on this point.

Aside from this minor point, this product, paired with other COSRX products, have done wonders to my skin. I struggle with severe acne, and has so for the past 6 or 7 years. I also picked my skin a lot, leaving deep, red scars all over my face and shoulders. While it took a few months to really see results from this liquid, it has gradually healed both my acne and scars. There are still some faint scars and discolouration left, but I can imagine that those problems will fade over time as well. I recently started applying "leftover" serum from my face to my shoulders, and I can see some of the deepest scars lighten up.

I wish I had taken progress pictures, but as I solely bought this for my blackheads I didn't see the need to. They would have been very handy now though, so I could show how truly better my skin has become thanks to this product ( as well as the other products I have introduced into my skin care regime the past months.)

I'm so happy I gave this a try, will repurchase when it rusn out, whenever that is. Another thing I forgot to mention is that even though I've used this every day for 3-4 months, it barely shows in the bottle. I can imagine one bottle lasting well over a year.

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