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Title nice for an extra kick of hydration
Posted by floette (ip:)
  • Rate 4points  
  • Date 2016-04-17 00:58:18
  • Recommend 97 Recommend
  • Views 1239

i'm a big fan of SkinFood and i had purchased the matching toner in this line, so I wanted to try this watery cream. my skin is dry and so i don't usually go for super light moisturizers, but with summer approaching i figured it wouldn't hurt to give it a try.

the texture is super watery, to the point where it dripped down my arm as i took the swatch photos! but that makes it very easy to sink into the skin. it feels soothing and calming to the skin and since it's so watery, it really lets your face breathe. i can see this product being perfect for hot and humid days, and if you have oily skin this could work great for you year-round! because my skin is dry it isn't enough moisture for me on its own, but i find that using it after toners/serums/essence and before a heavier moisturizer, it gives me that extra layer of hydration to keep my face happy. the ingredients list is pretty clean too, so no irritation to my sensitive skin.

my only complaint about the product is that the packaging is pretty strange. it's a tube but with a pump, and in order to apply it, you have to hold it upside-down and pump it into your palm. it's kind of awkward and can get messy, and feels pretty unstable to handle, which i can see being a problem once the product gets low. it's still functional though and so it's not too much of a problem.

Attachment IMG_7126.JPG , IMG_7128.JPG , IMG_7127.JPG
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